The Emotional and Social Impact of Hearing Loss

Main Article Content

Harsh Nawal
Diptanshu Mukherjee
Shamima Yasmin
Saumendra Nath Bandyopadhyay




Hearing loss affects not only auditory function but also significantly impacts a person's emotional and social functions. The purpose of this study is to assess the emotional and social handicap in patients presenting with hearing loss.

Materials and Methods

A cross-sectional, observational, descriptive study was conducted among 179 adult patients presenting with hearing loss at the otolaryngology outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital in Eastern India. A structured questionnaire was utilized to collect socio-demographic details and hearing loss characteristics. Pure-tone audiometry (PTA) was performed to determine the degree of hearing loss. The Hearing Handicap Inventory for Adults (HHIA) questionnaire was chosen to assess and quantify the self-reported social and emotional handicap.


The study participants, aged 18 to 80 years (mean age 51.4), included 65.9% employed individuals and 49.2% who were married. Bilateral hearing loss was observed in 38%, while 43% had experienced hearing loss for 10–12 months. Pure Tone Audiometry revealed that 15.6% had mild, 18.4% moderate, 51.5% severe, and 14.5% profound hearing loss. HHIA scores indicated that 74.3% experienced a severe overall handicap, with 72.1% reporting significant social impairment and 76.5% emotional impairment. The social and emotional handicaps were significantly associated with sex, laterality of hearing loss, and symptom duration.


Hearing loss significantly affects both the social and emotional well-being. There is a need for tailored interventions which will address the audiological, social, and emotional needs.

Article Details

How to Cite
The Emotional and Social Impact of Hearing Loss. (2025). Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 32(2), 84-92.
Main article
Author Biographies

Harsh Nawal, Medical College Kolkata West Bengal India

Harsh Nawal

Final Year MBBS student

Medical College Kolkata

Diptanshu Mukherjee, Medical College Kolkata West Bengal India

Dr Diptanshu Mukherjee

Associate Professor

Department of ENT and Head Neck Surgery 

Medical College Kolkata


Shamima Yasmin, Medical College Kolkata West Bengal India

Dr. Shamima Yasmin
MBBS DGO MD Community Medicine
Associate Professor, Department of Community
Medical College Kolkata, 88 College Street,
Kolkata 700073

ORCID ID: 00009-0002-4343-0687

Saumendra Nath Bandyopadhyay, Medical College Kolkata West Bengal


Prof and Head

Department of ENT and Head Neck Surgery 

Medical College Kolkata West Bengal

How to Cite

The Emotional and Social Impact of Hearing Loss. (2025). Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 32(2), 84-92.