Noise Induced Hearing Loss with Tinnitus: Does TRT Help?

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Nidhi Vohra Maggon
Ashwani Sethi
Atul Gupta



To determine if hearing augmentation and tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) helps in cases of Tinnitus with Noise induced hearing loss (NIHL) and does degree of hearing loss, severity or duration of tinnitus affect recovery 

Materials and Methods

A prospective study was done on 100 patients of NIHL with tinnitus from Jan 14-Jul 15. Degree of hearing loss was assessed. Tinnitus severity was scored on Tinnitus handicap inventory (THI) scale as Slight, Mild, Moderate, severe or catastrophic and patients were subjected to TRT. Patients scored after 1 year of TRT. A relation between tinnitus severity, duration and degree of hearing loss on recovery from tinnitus was analysed.


62 of the 100 patients improved following TRT.


In 100 patients THI scores improved from a mean of 63.12 (SD-21.12) to 38.16 (SD-18.21). Mean difference between pre and post-intervention THI scores was 24.96 (SD-17.97). Improvement was significant in severe or profound hearing loss (P<.001).

Tinnitus severity was slight, mild, moderate, severe or catastrophic on THI. Following TRT, 82.35% with Catastrophic, 70.96% with severe, 52.63% with moderate, 20% with mild tinnitus improved. 1 patient with slight tinnitus did not improve.

Based on duration of tinnitus three groups made; 0-6 months, 6-12 months and >12 months. All groups showed improvement. Reduction in Post-TRT THI was significant but did not show any difference among groups.


TRT helps in tinnitus with NIHL particularly if hearing loss is severe. Severe or catastrophic tinnitus patients experience greater improvement. Duration of tinnitus has no impact.

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How to Cite
Vohra Maggon N, Sethi A, Gupta A. Noise Induced Hearing Loss with Tinnitus: Does TRT Help?. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2017Apr.30 [cited 2025Mar.25];25(1):39-45. Available from:
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Author Biographies

Nidhi Vohra Maggon, Assistant Professor, Army College of Medical Sciences, Base Hospital, Delhi Cantonment, New Delhi 110010

Assistant Professor,

Dept of Otorhinolaryngology

Ashwani Sethi, Army College of Medical Sciences, Base Hospital, Delhi Cantonment, New Delhi 110010

Dept of Otolaryngology

Associate Professor

Atul Gupta, Senior Resident Army College of Medical Sciences Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt -110010

Senior Resident
Army College of Medical Sciences
Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt -110010


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