Role of Polidocanol as Sclerosant in Treatment of Hemangiomas of Head and Neck Region
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Haemangiomas are common presentation in head and neck, prevalence being 60% followed by 25% and 15% respectively in trunk and limbs. This report studies the efficacy of Polidocanol as sclerosant in the treatment of heamangiomas in head and neck.
Materials and Methods
The two year prospective study conducted from January 2015 to December 2016 with Polidocanol as sclerosant on 55 patients attending the department of ENT. Intralesional injections of 3 % polidocanol were given at 2 week intervals.
Out of 55 patients 15 cases did not follow up after the first dose, so results were calculated out of 40 patients. 12 patients showed complete regression & 15 showed regression to half the size. Thus 67.5 % patients showed acceptable results. There were no side effects except hyperpigmentation in 2 patients. There were no cases of recurrence during our study period.
Sclerotherapy is a promising method of treatment for haemangiomas of head and neck that may obviate the need for surgical intervention.
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