Recurrent Parotitis due to Parotid Duct Calculi

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Pranabashish Banerjee
Debasis Barman
Braja Ballav Pakira



Recurrent parotitis is frequently encountered in Otolaryngology practice. Parotid calculi, however is extremely uncommon as compared to submandibular calculi. Hence parotid duct calculi as a cause of recurrent parotitis need a special emphasis.

Case Report

We present here a rare case of recurrent parotitis due to parotid duct calculi in a 35 yr old female patient, who initially had presented to ENT OPD with recurrent pain and swelling for last eight months. Clinical examination was suggestive of calculi in the left parotid duct area which was confirmed by relevant radiological evaluation including USG, CT scan and parotid sialography. Patient was treated by superficial parotidectomy along with removal of the calculi from the parotid duct. 


Calculi arising from the submandibular duct and gland are well established and quite easy to diagnose, but parotid calculi are quite unheard of in clinical practice. According to Western literature, parotid calculi account for 15-20% of all salivary gland calculi. We present here the case along with the relevant review of the literature.

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How to Cite
Banerjee P, Barman D, Pakira BB. Recurrent Parotitis due to Parotid Duct Calculi. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2017Aug.30 [cited 2025Mar.26];25(2):115-8. Available from:
Case report
Author Biographies

Pranabashish Banerjee, North Bengal Medical College Dist.Darjeeling

Assistant Prof

Dept of ENT

Debasis Barman, Burdwan Medical College Burdwan

Prof and HOD, Dept of ENT

Braja Ballav Pakira, N R S Medical College Kolkata

Professor, Dept of ENT


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