Nuchal Fibroma: An Uncommon Neck Mass

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Soumyajit Das
Subhasish Mukherjee
Barun Sharma
Subash Tamang



Nuchal fibroma or collagenosis nuchae is a rare benign tumour. It is a slow growing neoplasia of unknown etiogenesis, asymptomatic and of variegated histology. They are more common in males but our case was a female patient. The presentation may mimic sarcoma at times.

Case Report

An unusual case of a very large neck mass in a 62 years old female patient is reported. The growth involved the dorso-cervical region over a period of approximately 8  years but remained asymptomatic. The mass was excised and post excision histopathology was reported as nuchal fibroma.


The case reported is large compared to the usual size of nuchal fibroma. Association with diabetes mellitus and Gardner’s syndrome has been reported in literature. MRI is the imaging of choice to establish the differential diagnosis.

Article Details

How to Cite
Das S, Mukherjee S, Sharma B, Tamang S. Nuchal Fibroma: An Uncommon Neck Mass. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2020Jul.27 [cited 2025Mar.28];26(1):76-8. Available from:
Case report


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