Assessment of the Utilization Pattern and Related Knowledge about Topical Nasal Decongestants among the Users

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Valli Rajasekaran
Puja Ghosh



Nasal decongestants are one of the drugs commonly prescribed by otorhinolaryngologists in their day to day practice. The excessive or inappropriate use of nasal decongestant due to rapid symptomatic relief leads to drug misuse or abuse. Inadequate knowledge about the drug usage leads to inappropriate drug usage.

Materials and Methods

A cross sectional study was done among 90 patients who were using topical nasal decongestants. A pre tested, pre validated questionnaire was used to assess the patient’s knowledge, the utilization pattern and the attitude towards the drug usage.


The mean age of presentation in our study was 38.4 years. Only 14.4% of the people knew the appropriate duration of drug usage. Only 33.3% knew about the probable side effects of prolonged drug usage. There was a significant correlation between knowledge and utilisation pattern of topical nasal decongestants usage and the literacy level. Though most of the people (46.7%) started using the drug after being prescribed by a doctor, only 14.3% among them strictly  adhered to doctor’s instructions.82% of the users were not much worried about the prolonged usage as 73.3% believed that prolonged use may or will surely improve their symptoms. Though 66.7% users wanted to stop prolonged usage of the drug, 76.9% had varying difficulties in stopping the drug. 



The knowledge and the utilization pattern regarding the drug usage were very low. The same was found to be better with increase in literacy level. Health professionals should play a major role in establishing a rational drug usage.

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How to Cite
Rajasekaran V, Ghosh P. Assessment of the Utilization Pattern and Related Knowledge about Topical Nasal Decongestants among the Users. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2020Jul.28 [cited 2025Mar.9];26(3):176-82. Available from:
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Author Biographies

Valli Rajasekaran, Shri Sathya Sai Medical college and research institute, Shri Balaji Vidhyapeeth University

Associate professor ,Department of ENT .

Puja Ghosh, Shri Sathya Sai Medical college and research institute, Shri Balaji Vidhyapeeth university

Assistant professor, Department of ENT


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