An Interesting Case of a Butcher Who Attempted to Cut His Neck

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N R Ankale
R S Mudhol
Rajesh Radhakrishna Havaldar
Anju Singh



Cut throat injuries are well recognized in homicide but less recognized in suicides. The incidence of suicide is increasing worldwide owing to the more stressful strenuous lifestyle and other risk factors like substance abuse. Suicide by incising one’s own throat is associated with hesitation marks whereas homicidal wounds are not.

Case Report

We present an interesting case of a suicidal cut throat of the victim being a butcher who was on alcohol abstinence since 3 days with severe injuries of supraglottic larynx and cricopharynx, surprisingly without any evidence of hesitation marks. He underwent immediate neck exploration and suturing of the injured structures without the need of a tracheostomy.


A multidisciplinary approach by Otolaryngologists, Psychiatrists, Intensivists, and Anaesthetists is required in the effective management of these victims. A thorough proper early assessment can totally avoid the need of tracheostomy which is recommended in practice, hence preventing complications arising out of this unnecessary but advocated procedure.

Article Details

How to Cite
Ankale NR, Mudhol RS, Havaldar RR, Singh A. An Interesting Case of a Butcher Who Attempted to Cut His Neck. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2020Jul.28 [cited 2025Feb.22];26(3):222-6. Available from:
Case report
Author Biographies

N R Ankale, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College KLE University, Belagavi, Karnataka 590010

Department of ENT and HNS
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College
KLE University, Belagavi, Karnataka

R S Mudhol, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College KLE University, Belagavi, Karnataka 590010

Unit Chief and Vice Principal
Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College
KLE University, Belagavi, Karnataka

Rajesh Radhakrishna Havaldar, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College KLE University, Belagavi, Karnataka 590010

Post Graduate Resident
Department of ENT and HNS

Anju Singh, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College KLE University, Belagavi, Karnataka 590010

Post Graduate Resident
Department of ENT and HNS


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