Isolated Sphenoid Sinus Disease- A Unique Case of Sphenoidal Mucocoele

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Tushar Kanti Ghosh
Srijoy Gupta
Pradeep Devineni



Isolated Sphenoid Sinusitis and sinus lesions is a rare entity accounting for just 1-3% of all Sinus afflictions. Most have occurred in men between the ages of 30 and 40 years.

Case Report

A case of right sphenoid sinus mucocele is reported in a male patient aged 68 years, with size of the lesion (35 x 34 mm) detected by CT & MRI scans. The patient presented with a 3 weeks history of unilateral ptosis, diplopia, and photophobia. He also complained of bilateral nasal obstruction, nasal stuffiness, and a mucoid nasal discharge. Endoscopic decompression of the right sphenoid sinus was performed, and approximately 160 ml of thick, sterile mucoid secretion was aspirated. Despite the size of the mucocele, no significant destruction of the sphenoid walls was evident. Postoperatively within 15 days the patient's symptoms improved significantly.


The Nasal Endoscope has revolutionised sphenoid sinus mucocele treatment. An adequate sphenoidotomy and drainage give excellent results.

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How to Cite
Ghosh TK, Gupta S, Devineni P. Isolated Sphenoid Sinus Disease- A Unique Case of Sphenoidal Mucocoele. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2020Jul.28 [cited 2025Mar.29];26(3):234-7. Available from:
Case report
Author Biographies

Tushar Kanti Ghosh, Ghosh ENT Foundation FE 350, Saltlake Sector 3, Near Tank No 12 and GD Market, Saltlake city, Kolkata 700106.

Director & Senior Consultant

Srijoy Gupta, Ghosh ENT Foundation, Saltlake, Kolkata Ph No.+919073464039

Junior Consultant

Pradeep Devineni, Ghosh ENT Foundation, Saltlake, Kolkata

Junior Consultant 


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