Determining the Association of Benign and Malignant Salivary Gland Tumours with ABO-Rh Blood Groups
Main Article Content
Various studies have proposed that some ABO blood groups may be associated with increased risk of cancer. Hence, we decided to conduct this study to investigate the relationship between ABO-Rh blood group and risk of salivary gland tumor.
Materials and Methods
In this study, 190 patients with salivary gland tumor and 400 healthy persons were investigated. Demographical information including ABO blood group of both groups were collected and analyzed using the SPSS 18 version. Binary logistic regression (univariate and multivariate model) were applied with 95% confidence interval.
The most common blood group in patients with salivary gland tumor was blood group O. There was no significant relationship between the ABO blood group and salivary gland tumor risk (All; p>0.05). The blood group O and A were the most abundant blood groups in patients with the malignant and benign salivary gland tumor respectively (46.6%, 35.7%).The risk of malignancy of tumor in the patients with blood group O was marginal (1.84; 95%CI: 0.96-3.53, p: 0.06).
This study shows no relationship between ABO-Rh blood groups and salivary gland tumor risk. However, to reach a definitive conclusion about the risk of malignancy in blood group O, stronger studies are needed in the future.
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