Foreign Body Nose: An Unusual Presentation

Main Article Content

Ankit Gulati
Surinder K Singhal
Shashikant A Pol
Nitin Gupta



This is a very interesting case of retained homicidal foreign body in the nose in contrast to most of the foreign bodies which are accidental.

Case Report

A 27 year old male presented to ENT emergency with alleged history of assault over face with sharp object following which patient developed nasal bleed. On examination vertical laceration of approximately 8 cm in length was present along left naso-orbital groove extending superiorly from medial canthus of left eye and inferiorly to nasal alar cartilage. On anterior rhinoscopy a metallic foreign body was seen in both nasal cavities, which appeared to be crossing from left to right side piercing the nasal septum. Foreign body was removed via open approach.


Penetrating maxillofacial injury with foreign body impaction are less common. High index of suspicion is required in diagnosing these cases. Radiological intervention should be done to get idea of exact location and extent of foreign body. Lateral rhinotomy is a useful approach in removing these foreign bodies.

Article Details

How to Cite
Gulati A, Singhal SK, Pol SA, Gupta N. Foreign Body Nose: An Unusual Presentation. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2021Feb.5 [cited 2025Feb.22];28(3):282-4. Available from:
Case report
Author Biographies

Ankit Gulati, GMCH-32 Sector 32 Chandigarh 160020


Senior resident


Surinder K Singhal, GMCH-32


Assossiate prof. and head

Shashikant A Pol, JIPMER


Assistant prof.

Nitin Gupta, GMCH-32



Assossiate professor


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