Parapharyngeal Tumours: Our Experience in a Tertiary Care Hospital

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Debabrata Das
Arjuman Parveen
Apurba Sarkar
Sk Nawazur Rahaman



Tumours of parapharyngeal space are rare. Surgical excision is the mainstay of its management. However, approach to the space is rather difficult. The transcervical approach is most commonly practiced as opposed to the transoral approach, due to fear of complications. The present study aims to study the two approaches with respect to treatment outcomes and complications.

Materials and Methods  

A prospective study was conducted from July 2018 to December 2019 (1.5 years) at the Department of ENT in a tertiary care Hospital. A total of 10 cases of parapharyngeal tumours were selected; 5 of involving the prestyloid compartment underwent transoral surgery and the other 5 involving the post styloid compartment underwent transcervical surgery. The results of surgery and complications were studied.


The mean age of presentation was 36.5 yrs. Male: Female ratio was 3:2. There were 9 benign and 1 malignant case in the study. The most common presentation was an asymptomatic oropharyngeal mass (80%). The most common pathological type was pleomorphic adenoma of the salivary gland (50%).


We found that the transoral approach is as effective as transcervical approach in surgical cureand contrary to the popular belief, it is associated with fewer complications.Hence, carefully selected cases can be safely managed by this approach.

Article Details

How to Cite
Das D, Parveen A, Sarkar A, Rahaman SN. Parapharyngeal Tumours: Our Experience in a Tertiary Care Hospital. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2021Feb.5 [cited 2025Mar.28];28(3):266-72. Available from:
Our experience
Author Biographies

Debabrata Das, R G Kar Medical College & Hospital

Assistant Professor, Dept of ENT

Arjuman Parveen, Burdwan Medical College & Hospital

Post Graduate Trainee,Department of ENT

Apurba Sarkar, R G Kar Medical College & Hospital

Senior Resident, Dept of ENT

Sk Nawazur Rahaman, Burdwan Medical College & Hospital

Post Graduate Trainee, Department of ENT 


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