A Comparison of Efficacy of Nasal Septal Splints with Clip versus Nasal Packing after Septoplasty

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Piyush Kant Singh
Preeti Singh



It has always been a concern of ENT surgeon to prevent post operative complications like nasal bleeding, septal hematoma and septal abscess after septoplasty. Traditionally nasal packing has been done to avoid these complications. Although the nasal pack itself  has been a concern for several reasons, packing  apart from causing breathing distress, has resulted in  epiphora, dysphagia, sleep disturbance, post-operative pain, headache, septal infection, septal abscess and even toxic shock syndrome.

Materials and Methods

This study has compared the efficacy of a newly designed septal splint with clip with nasal packs. This study was done on 60 patients, nasal packing was done in 30 patients and septal splints with clip were applied in 30 patients. 


Post-operative pain, epiphora, dysphagia, dryness of mouth and sleep disturbance was found to be significantly less in patients with septal splints with clip as compared to those with nasal packing.


Septal splints with clip is more efficacious alternative to nasal packing in patients undergoing septoplasty.

Article Details

How to Cite
Singh PK, Singh P. A Comparison of Efficacy of Nasal Septal Splints with Clip versus Nasal Packing after Septoplasty. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2021Jun.3 [cited 2025Mar.28];29(1):36-42. Available from: https://bjohns.in/journal3/index.php/bjohns/article/view/314
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Author Biographies

Piyush Kant Singh, Glomus24@gmail.com

Assistant Professor, Department of ENT

K. D. Medical college,
near G.L.Bajaj Group Of Institution
Post office- Akbarpur
Mathura (U.P.)

Preeti Singh, K. D. Medical college Mathura U.P. near G.L.Bajaj Group Of Institution Post office- Akbarpur Mathura (U.P.) Pin-281406

Associate Professor, Department of ENT

K. D. Medical college Mathura U.P.
near G.L.Bajaj Group Of Institution
Post office- Akbarpur
Mathura (U.P.)


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