Hospital Based Study of Traumatic Neck Injuries: A Decision Making Approach

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Abdullah Musleh



Traumatic neck injuries can cause serious morbidity and mortality. They have very serious outcomes and require emergent surgical interventions. This study illustrated 31 traumatic neck injury cases and their management over a period of 3 years.


Materials and Methods

Thirty nine (39) patients were studied retrospectively and analyzed. Patients admitted through emergency room with a history suggestive of vascular trauma in the neck, between February 2014 and March 2017 were included. Thirty one (31) patients which were treated surgically were selected for analysis. All the patients were taken to the operating room immediately and made hemodynamically stable, other parameters were quickly corrected and urgent measurements were undertaken to maintain vascular integrity.


Out of 31 patients suspected to have vascular neck injuries, only 29 (74%) were established to have vascular neck injuries. Forty seven percent 47% were stabilized hemodynamically and underwent operations under elective conditions. 16 (55%) patients were found to be hemodynamically unstable with fair signs of vascular injuries and were taken to the operating room immediately.  41% had arterial injuries and 59 % had venous injury. No patients had any post-operative vascular complication.  One patient expired on the 11th postoperative day as a result of multiple organ injury and brain injuries.


Patients with severe neck injuries leading to acute bleeding and hematoma must be taken to the surgery for best outcome. Prompt decision making plays very important role to minimize disastrous consequences leading to further vascular and neurological derangements.

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How to Cite
Musleh A. Hospital Based Study of Traumatic Neck Injuries: A Decision Making Approach. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2020Aug.31 [cited 2025Mar.29];28(2):98-102. Available from:
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Author Biography

Abdullah Musleh, Dept. of Surgery, College of Medicine, King Khalid University, Abha, KSA

Dept. of Surgery, College of Medicine, King Khalid University, Abha, KSA

Phone: +966564263377


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