A Comparative Study of the Effects of Anterior Nasal Packing versus Trans-Septal Suturing in Post-Septoplasty Patients

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Prakash N S
Shreyas K
Puneeth P J
Nishtha Sharma
Veena Prabhakaran



 Following  septoplasty,  the  usual  norm  is  to  pack  the  nose  using polyvinyl alcohol or  white petroleum  jelly impregnated gauze. But  due  to  side  effects  like  pain,  respiratory  problems, headache  or  pain  during  pack  removal,  trans-septal  suturing  is  recommended  as  it  provides  stability  and  prevents  septal  hematoma  formation  without  causing  the  above mentioned  complaints.  This  study  aims  to  conduct  an  in-depth  comparison  of  the  outcomes  of  the  two  aforementioned  methods  in  an  Indian  population.

Materials and Methods 

A  prospective  randomized  comparative  study  was  done  for  30  patients  between  18-50  years  undergoing  septoplasty,  while  excluding  those  requiring  additional  surgical  interventions.  Trans-septal  suturing  was  done  for  15  patients  and  polyvinyl alcohol  nasal  packing  for  the  rest.  Visual  Analogue  Scale  was  used  to  record  discomfort  levels  1  day  post-operatively.  A  vast  multitude  of  symptoms  were  assessed  during  regular  visits  for  3  months  after  surgery. 


Post-operatively,  nasal  pain,  headache,  dyspnoea,  sleep  disturbance,  post-nasal  drip,  crusting,  and  epiphora  were  found  to  be   reduced  in  patients  who  underwent  trans-septal  suturing  when  compared  with  packing,  deeming  it  to  be  a  superior  choice  of  method.  However,  nasal  bleeding  was  comparable  in  both  groups.


Trans-septal  suturing  reduces  pack  related  problems  and  post-operative  complications,  without  significantly  increasing  the  duration  of  surgery.  Hence,  we  recommend  the  practice  of  placing  sutures  to  positively  improve  patients’  quality  of  life  post-surgery.

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How to Cite
S PN, K S, J PP, Sharma N, Prabhakaran V. A Comparative Study of the Effects of Anterior Nasal Packing versus Trans-Septal Suturing in Post-Septoplasty Patients. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2020Aug.31 [cited 2025Mar.29];28(2):103-11. Available from: https://bjohns.in/journal3/index.php/bjohns/article/view/323
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Author Biographies

Prakash N S, Department of ENT, JJMMC, Davangere, karnataka.

Professor in ENT,
Department of ENT,
JJMMC, Davangere,

Shreyas K, JJM Medical College, Davangere,Karnataka, India

Postgraduate in ENT, Department of ENT and Head and Neck surgery,JJM Medical College,Davangere.

Puneeth P J, JJM Medical College, Davangere,Karnataka, India

Assistant Professor,
JJM Medical College,

Nishtha Sharma, JJM Medical College, Davangere,Karnataka, India

Postgraduate in ENT,
JJM Medical College,

Veena Prabhakaran, JJM Medical College, Davangere,Karnataka, India

Postgraduate in ENT,
JJM Medical College,


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