Eagle Syndrome- An Entity Often Misdiagnosed

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Puneeth S Nayak
Anil Kumar S Harugop
Paramita Debnath
Prashant H Patil



Throat pain is one of the most common complaints that an otolaryngologist encounters in daily practice, there can be numerous aetiologies to it. Eagle Syndrome is one such entity which is characterized by chronic throat pain due to elongation of the styloid process or mineralization of the stylohyoid ligament. The vague symptomatology of this condition often leads to delayed diagnosis and treatment.


 Case Reports

We report 5 cases of Eagle Syndrome. All the patients presented to us with complaints of chronic throat radiating to neck which did not relieve on taking medications, for the same they have been consulting multiple specialities. The diagnosis of Eagle Syndrome was confirmed by palpation in tonsillar fossa and orthopantomogram revealed enlarged styloid process measuring more than 30mm. Upon confirmation, all the 5 patients underwent tonsillo-styloidectomy and on consequent follow ups, they were symptomatically improved.


Eagle Syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion and should raise high index of suspicion in patients with nonspecific throat and neck pain not responding to any conservative treatment. With an increasing incidence of side effects following injudicious treatment given in such cases, this condition requires attention, as it a rare entity and often misdiagnosed.

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How to Cite
Nayak PS, Harugop AKS, Debnath P, Patil PH. Eagle Syndrome- An Entity Often Misdiagnosed. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2020Aug.31 [cited 2025Mar.29];28(2):172-6. Available from: https://bjohns.in/journal3/index.php/bjohns/article/view/333
Case series
Author Biographies

Puneeth S Nayak, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,kle university,Belagavi,Karnataka

Assistant Professor, dept of ENT and HNS,

Anil Kumar S Harugop, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,kle university,Belagavi,Karnataka

Head of department and Professor , Dept of ENT and HNS ,

Paramita Debnath, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,kle university,Belagavi,Karnataka

Junior resident, Dept of ENT and HNS ,

Prashant H Patil, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College,kle university,Belagavi,Karnataka

professor , dept of ENT and HNS


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