The Use of Serial Non EPI DWI MRI Scans to Determine the Growth of Cholesteatoma

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Wendy K Smith
Leena Naidu
Hemanth Kowdley Subrahmanyam



It is an established practice to use non-EPI DWI MRI scans to detect the presence of cholesteatoma post operatively.  In the present era of Covid-19 where routine surgery to remove cholesteatoma has been suspended resulting in potentially unprecedented demands on the service, a review of serial MRI scans performed over a 7 year period was undertaken to determine the rate of growth of cholesteatoma.

Materials and Methods 

A retrospective longitudinal study identified 24 middle ear cholesteatomas in 17 patients with serial non-EPI DWI MRI scans (having excluded those having surgical intervention between scans) for a median period of 33 months (range of 6-91 months).  Cholesteatomas were measured by the first author and by the consultant radiologist.


Of 24 cholesteatomas, 1 resolved completely, 5 reduced, 6 stayed the same size, 4 grew slowly and 8 grew significantly.


Non-EPI DWI MRI scans to determine cholesteatoma growth in asymptomatic ears is useful in triaging patients in the Covid-19 era.

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How to Cite
Smith WK, Naidu L, Kowdley Subrahmanyam H. The Use of Serial Non EPI DWI MRI Scans to Determine the Growth of Cholesteatoma. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2021Feb.5 [cited 2025Mar.6];28(3):215-20. Available from:
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Author Biographies

Wendy K Smith, Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Department of ENT Surgery

Leena Naidu, Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Department of Radiology

Hemanth Kowdley Subrahmanyam, Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Department of ENT Surgery


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