Halitosis: Its Aetiology and Psychosocial Impact- A Hospital Based Study
Main Article Content
Halitosis means bad or unpleasant odour from oral cavity. It causes embarrassment to the patients and affects their social life and communication. This study aims to find the causes of halitosis and to assess its psychosocial impact.
Materials and Methods
A prospective study was conducted in the department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery in a tertiary care hospital. It included 165 patients, presenting to the ENT OPD with chief complains of oral malodour for at least 3 months. The patients in the age above 15 years and below 75 years, irrespective of gender, were included in the study.
The age of the patients ranged from 15 to 75 years with a mean age of 52.24 ± 15.67 with male: female ratio of 7:10. The most common cause of halitosis in the present study included chronic rhinosinusitis (38.7%), gingivitis/periodontitis (19.39%), tonsillitis (4.84%), laryngopharyngeal reflux (2%), deep neck space infections (1.2%). In 23.56%, the halitosis was a symptom of an underlying malignancy.
Halitosis from an extra oral origin can be the sign of an underlying systemic disease or malignancy. The consultation should be done with the periodontist, ENT specialist and a physician.
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