Laryngeal Trauma
Main Article Content
Laryngeal trauma can be an immediately life-threatening entity. Failure to recognize such injuries and delay in securing the airway may have fatal results. Early diagnosis and accurate evaluation with proper treatment is vital.
Materials and Methods
Fifteen patients with laryngotracheal injuries were analyzed prospectively. The outcome was assessed both in terms of voice and airway, on short term and long term basis.
Commonest cause of injury was suicidal followed by road traffic accidents and strangulation. The main presenting symptoms and signs were stridor, hoarseness, haemoptysis and odynophagia. Five patients suffered penetrating trauma and ten patient sustained blunt trauma. Sites of laryngeal injury included; hyoid bone fracture, mixed soft tissue and cartilaginous injuries, thyrohyoid membrane and cricothyroid membrane injuries. Eleven patients presented within 24 hours of the injury. Outcome (airway and voice) was good in ten patients whereas it was poor in three patients. Poor results were seen in patients who had delayed surgical intervention.
Early surgical intervention is recommended for traumatic laryngeal injuries to ensure a good outcome; which further depends upon patient’s condition, injury and treatment-specific factors.
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