Anthropometric Study of Nasal Parameters of South Indian Population

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Ankita Atin Mukherjee
Shivaam Kesarwaani
Saumitra Kumar



The shape of the nose is a signature indicating the ethnicity, age, and sex of the person. Our aim is to map the range of various anthropometric parameters of nose in South Indians.

Materials and Methods

This study includes measurement and statistical analysis of different parameters of nose among 61 South Indian medical students (34 females;27 males) using digital Vernier calipers.


The means of various parameters were- 1) Nasal Breadth -2.9cm (males) and 2.5 cm (females). 2) Nasal height-5 cm (males) and 4.9cm (females). 3) The nasofacial angle-37.9 degree (males) and 36.7 degree (females). 4) The nasolabial angle 115.2 degree (males) and 116.5 degree (females). 5) The nasofrontal angle 127.1 degree (males) and 134.7 degree (females). 6) The most common type of nose is leptorrhine in both males and females.


All the measurements can be used for evaluation of nasal deformity, treatment planning and post-surgical evaluation of the correction achieved during rhinoplasty.

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How to Cite
Mukherjee AA, Kesarwaani S, Kumar S. Anthropometric Study of Nasal Parameters of South Indian Population. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2022Mar.18 [cited 2025Mar.6];29(3):238-43. Available from:
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Author Biographies

Ankita Atin Mukherjee , a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:87:"West Bengal University of Health Sciences ,College of Medicine and JNM Hospital,Kalyani";}

Department of ENT and HNS,Senior Resident.

College of Medicine and JNM Hospital,Kalyani

Shivaam Kesarwaani, Calcutta National Medical College,Kolkata

Department of ENT and HNS ,Senior Resident.

Saumitra Kumar, West Bengal University of Health Sciences ,College of Medicine and JNM Hospital,Kalyani

Department of ENT and HNS,Associate Professor.


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