Struck by Lightning and Bitten by Snake Two Coexisting Neoplasms in Same Anatomical Area

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Subrata Mukhopadhyay
Subhrajit Das
Misbahul Haque
Oindrila Seal



The simultaneous occurrence of a benign as well as malignant epithelial lesion, albeit incidental, is a rare occurrence. A multi stage procedure had to be adopted for the appropriate management of this patient.

Case Report

We report one such case of a 65 year old male who presented with a small black lesion on the left side of the nose and complains of left sided nasal obstruction on a much later date.


The decision to address the benign pathology initially followed by the malignant pathology owing to its indolent course formed the cornerstone in the management of this patient.

Article Details

How to Cite
Mukhopadhyay S, Das S, Haque M, Seal O. Struck by Lightning and Bitten by Snake: Two Coexisting Neoplasms in Same Anatomical Area. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2021Sep.27 [cited 2025Feb.22];29(2):204-8. Available from:
Case report
Author Biographies

Subrata Mukhopadhyay, Medical College Hospital, Kolkata

Professor & Head, Dept of ENT

Subhrajit Das, Medical College Hospital, Kolkata

Senior Resident, Dept of ENT

Misbahul Haque, Medical College Hospital, Kolkata

Junior Resident, Dept of ENT

Oindrila Seal, Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata

Junior Resident, Dept. of ENT


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