Evaluation of Hearing Status and Eustachian Tube Function in Oral Submucous Fibrosis: A Cross Sectional Study
Main Article Content
Oral Submucous Fibrosis (OSMF) in severe cases involves palatal and paratubal muscles of Eustachian tube leading to Eustachian tube dysfunction and hearing disabilities. This study aims to evaluate to evaluate hearing status and Eustachian tube function in patients of Oral Submucous Fibrosis and to correlate them with various groups of the disease.
Materials and Methods
A Cross Sectional study was carried out in a Tertiary Care Hospital on diagnosed patients of OSMF. Patients with hearing loss due to other middle ear pathologies or previous ear surgeries were excluded. Patients were classified into various Groups depending on the severityof the disease. They were subjected to Pure Tone Audiometry and Impedance Audiometry. Results obtained were statistically analysed.
A total of 121 patients (242 ears) were included in the study. On Pure Tone Audiometry, minimal hearing loss was found in 20(8.26%) ears while mild and moderate hearing loss was seen in 26(10.74%) and 28(11.58%) ears respectively. On tympanometry, Type B and Type C tympanograms(abnormal) were seen in 36(14.88) and 26(10.74%) ears, respectively. On Eustachian Tube Function Test, out of 242 ears, 67 ears (27.68%) showed Eustachian tube dysfunction. On using Pearson’s chi square test, significant association was found between degree of hearing loss, type of tympanograms and eustachian tube function with various groups of OSMF (p value < 0.05).
OSMF may affect hearing efficiency and Eustachian tube function as the disease progresses.
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