Mycological Profile in Otomycosis Patients: A Cross Sectional Hospital Based Study in Tertiary Care Centre

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Nitin Ankale
Jyoti M Nagmoti
Utkarsh Anand



This study was conducted to study the fungal profile in otomycosis patients in the tropical region of North Karnataka. A total of 108 samples of symptomatic otomycosis were investigated in this study.

Materials and Methods

Aural swabs were collected on 1st visit and these swabs were immediately inoculated over Sabouraud’s dextrose agar media and incubated at 37 degree Celsius for culture of fungi.


Fungal pathogens were isolated in 89 samples, 18 samples were negative and 1 sample was reported as being contaminated. Fungi belonging to genus Aspergillus was isolated in 92.11% of cases of which Aspergillus niger was commonest isolated in 38(41.57%) followed br Aspergillus flavus 32(35.95%) and Aspergillus fumigatus 7(7.86%). Candida species were found in 2(2.24%) and Mucor in 1(1.12%). The most common symptom was Itching 91(84.25%). In this study ear discharge was the commonest finding (44.44%) followed by Black mycotic plug (28.70%).


Otomycosis is a condition encountered in hot, humid climate with symptoms like itching and ear discharge. Aspergillus and Candida are the fungal species responsible for majority of cases. Local antifungal treatment with measures like keeping the ear dry resolves most of the cases.

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How to Cite
Ankale N, Nagmoti JM, Anand U. Mycological Profile in Otomycosis Patients: A Cross Sectional Hospital Based Study in Tertiary Care Centre. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2019Dec.29 [cited 2025Mar.28];27(3):193-7. Available from:
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Author Biographies

Nitin Ankale, JNMC, Nehru nagar, Belagavi- 590010

Professor, Dept of ENT

Jyoti M Nagmoti, JNMC, Nehru nagar, Belagavi- 590010

Professor, Dept of Microbiology


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