Unusual Foreign Bodies in the Head & Neck Region A Case Series
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Introduction: Injuries in the Head Neck region due to impacted or penetrating foreign bodies are not uncommon in ENT ER or OPD. These injuries carry the risk of retained foreign bodies with dramatic consequences if remain untreated. Therefore, it is mandatory to detect any foreign body during clinical workup. The objective of our study is to evaluate the location of foreign bodies and to plan concerned surgical approach.
Method: A Case Series of 9 patients, presenting with foreign body injury in the Head and Neck region in the Outpatient Department or Emergency of Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery of a tertiary care hospital in Kolkata in a span of 3years, has been presented.
Result: All the foreign objects were retrieved successfully without any surgical complication.
Conclusion: History taking and Clinical examinations are the crucial steps in Investigation. Imaging studies can significantly increase the chance of detecting a foreign body.
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