Role of Ultrasonography in Otolaryngology

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Rezaul Karim


Ultrasonography (US) is frequently requested by the otolaryngologists in their day to day practice. Though US assessment is sensitive and in many situations, specific investigation for prognosis and management of patients, FNAC and Ultrasonography carries more predictive value. Ultrasonography is very useful for assessment of neck nodes and in combination with CT scan is an excellent imaging tool for follow up of head and neck cancers. Inflammatory neck nodes vary in characteristics from neoplastic nodes and US can classify them with fair degree of predictability. Thyroid nodules should strictly follow standard protocol of management, as most of the masses are benign and unnecessary diagnostic or therapeutic interventions are not required. Kim’s criteria and American Association for Clinical Endocrinology recommendations are sensitive and specific for offering systematic guidance for management of thyroid nodules. US have limited roles in the assessments of sialadenitis, Sialolithiasis and salivary tumors. US is an effective tool in guiding biopsies and aspirations for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

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Karim R. Role of Ultrasonography in Otolaryngology. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2016Aug.26 [cited 2025Mar.28];24(2):80-7. Available from:
Invited article
Author Biography

Rezaul Karim, College of Medicine and Sagar Dutta Hospital 578, B T Road Kolkata 700058

Dept. of Radiodiagnosis
College of Medicine and Sagar Dutta Hospital


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