Correlation between Hypothyroidism and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

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Santosh U. P
Sri Vaibhava V
Arfan Nasser



Hypothyroidism is the most common thyroid disorder in India with prevalence of 10.95% (1). Type 2 Diabetes (T2DM) is the most common endocrine disorder with prevalence of 8.9% (2) in India. Studies showed that there is prevalence of T2DM in hypothyroidism. We consider FBS (Fasting blood sugar) and HbA1c (Glycated hemoglobin) to diagnose diabetes in our study as per to American diabetes association. The aim is to assess the incidence of T2DM in biochemically proven hypothyroidism.

Materials and methods:

50 patients of either sex between the ages 18-60 years, who are biochemically proven newly diagnosed case of hypothyroidism, are taken for the study. A detailed clinical history of the patient including history of presenting complaints, past history and other relevant history is taken. A detailed general examination, systemic examination and ENT examination is done. Patients underwent screening for T2DM using FBS and HbA1C as per American diabetes association. This is used to calculate the incidence of T2DM in biochemically proven hypothyroidism.


The number of cases diagnosed as diabetic is, 13 (26.0%) cases with high FBS (fasting blood sugar) and 16 (32.0%) cases with uncontrolled HbA1C values. Showing a total of 16 cases among the 50 cases of hypothyroidism found as newly diagnosed diabetes, showing a prevalence of 32% among the study group.


Our study agrees with the various studies showing a similar relationship between hypothyroidism and T2DM. As such we would also like to propose that in cases of hypothyroidism, T2DM to be evaluated for as well for early detection and management.

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How to Cite
U. P S, V SV, Nasser A. Correlation between Hypothyroidism and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2023Jul.29 [cited 2025Mar.26];30(3):293-7. Available from:
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Author Biographies

Santosh U. P, J J M Medical College,Davangere, Karnataka, India

Professor, Department Of Otorhinolaryngology

Sri Vaibhava V, J J M Medical College,Davangere, Karnataka, India

Post Graduate, Department Of Otorhinolaryngology

Arfan Nasser, General Hospital, K R Pete, Mandya

Consultant, Dept of ENT


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