Vitamin D Deficiency in South Sharqiya in Oman and its Impact in ENT Patients- A Retrospective Study

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Hasan Abdul Cader Segana
Reghunandanan Nair
Fahim Ahmed Shah



Vitamin D deficiency has multitude of causes and can present with varying clinical manifestations. Studies show that it can lead on to recurrent respiratory infections, ear infections and deafness. Vitamin D also has immunomodulant action. Here we discuss the varying features concerning an Otolaryngologist in general as far as Vitamin D metabolism is concerned.

Materials and Methods

This retrospective study was performed on 800 patients 152 males and 648 females of different socioeconomic background at secondary level regional referral hospital under Ministry of Health in Sultanate of Oman. The patients attending the outpatient clinic with various complaints and not responding to conventional treatment were advised for assessment of vitamin D [25 (OH) D] level in blood. The patients were evaluated with general history, blood samples of serum calcium, phosphate, alkaline phosphatase and serum vitamin D level were measured by the most standardized laboratory of the country.


Out of 800 patients, 275 cases had Vitamin D levels below 20 ng/ml and 167 patients had values greater than 30 ng/ml in serum.81% patients with vitamin D deficiency were females.56.25% patients were between third and sixth decade. Otolaryngologic manifestations were acute and recurrent URTI (n=352) 44%. 7% of the patients presented with recurrent ear infection (otitis externa). The rest of them presented to a lesser extent with deafness, otosclerosis.


Vitamin D deficiency has been reported worldwide as one of the commonest deficiency diseases. It can lead to autoimmune dysfunctions, Beta cell dysfunction in pancreas, Multiple sclerosis, recurrent chest infections and congestive cardiac failure. Studies have shown the involvement of cochlea with sensorineural hearing loss and otosclerosis.


Vitamin D deficiency has multi system implications as patients presenting with different signs and symptoms. Mass level screening and vitamin D supplementation should be planned to decrease its varied and multidimensional ill effects on health. Adequate vitamin D supplementation and sensible sunlight exposure to reach optimal vitamin D status are among the front line factors of prophylaxis for spectrum of disorders.

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How to Cite
Segana HAC, Nair R, Shah FA. Vitamin D Deficiency in South Sharqiya in Oman and its Impact in ENT Patients- A Retrospective Study. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2016Dec.18 [cited 2025Mar.29];24(3):122-8. Available from:
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Author Biographies

Hasan Abdul Cader Segana, Ministry of Health, Sur Hospital

Specialist ENT

Reghunandanan Nair, Sur Hospital, Ministry of Health, Oman

Senior consultant ENT

Fahim Ahmed Shah, Sur Hospital, ENT department, Oman

Specialist ENT


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