Review of the Multidisciplinary Voice Clinic in a District General Hospital of the United Kingdom

Main Article Content

Louise Marie Evans
Parry Haf Beca
Helen Patterson
Alagar Chandra Mohan



The Voice Clinic is a multidisciplinary specialist voice clinic. Our aim is to review patient demographics, subjective symptoms both at presentation and 16 months post clinic and patient satisfaction.



A retrospective review of all pre treatment voice clinic questionnaires for all new patients who attended the voice clinic over a 3-month period. A telephone interview was conducted 16 months after first presentation to determine patient satisfaction and whether patient’s symptoms had improved. 



A total of 25 patients who had completed a pre clinic questionnaire were identified, 17/25 completed the follow up interview. 88% of patients reported symptoms of ≥ 6 months duration. 41% underwent Speech and Language Therapy (SALT), 24% had medical management, 6% surgery, and 30% were given advice only. On a severity scale of 1- 10 (10 most severe) 40% rated their voice severity to be ≥5/10 at presentation, 16 months later this was 11% of patients.  56% rated the impact of their voice on their life to be ≥ 5/10 at presentation, 16 months later this was 6%.




Although limited the review shows that for the majority of patients their symptoms and quality of life improved after review at the multidisciplinary clinic.

Article Details

How to Cite
Evans LM, Beca PH, Patterson H, Mohan AC. Review of the Multidisciplinary Voice Clinic in a District General Hospital of the United Kingdom. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2016Dec.18 [cited 2025Feb.22];24(3):154-6. Available from:
Our experience
Author Biographies

Louise Marie Evans, Wrexham Maelor Hospital Wales UK

ENT Registrar

Morriston Hospital




Parry Haf Beca, ENT FP2 Wrexham Maelor Hospital Wales

Wrexham Maelor Hospital

Helen Patterson, Wrexham Maelor Hospital Wales

Speech and language therapist

SALT department
Wrexham Maelor Hospital

Alagar Chandra Mohan, Wrexham Maelor Hospital Wales

ENT Consultant

Wrexham Maelor Hospital



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