A Comparative Study between the Effects of Intra-Articular Injections of Platelet Rich Plasma versus Corticosteroid with Local Anaesthetic in Refractory Cases of Temporo-Mandibular joint Disorder- A Comparative Study
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Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a group of disorders that affect the temporomandibular joint, associated musculoskeletal tissues or both, such as myofascial pain, internal dearrangements, and certain degenerative and rheumatological diseases. In recent practice corticosteroid and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) has been proposed as an intervensional mode of treatment in TMD patients. We aimed to compare the efficacy of PRP and corticosteroid injection in reducing symptoms of TMD after failure of conservative treatment.
Materials and methods:
A total of 60 cases (30 in each study and control groups) of TMD patients were included in this study. In patients of study group, intra Articular injection of PRP and in control group, lignocaine with Triamcinolone was given at Temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Both the groups were assessed for pain, inter-incisal mouth opening and joint sound at 6wk interval upto 3 month after injection.
Pain and joint sound was markedly reduced in PRP group than corticosteroid group .Inter-incisal mouth opening also shows better result in PRP group.
Intra-articular PRP injection has significantly better outcome in terms of pain, inter incisal mouth opening and joint sound in refractory cases of TMD than intra-articular corticosteroid injection.
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