Unilateral Acquired Posterior Maxillary Mandibular Syngnathia

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Abhishek Vijay Sahu
Kamalika Purkayastha Roy
Niva Kashyap


Introduction: Congenital bony fusion of the maxilla and mandible, especially as an isolated occurrence, is a rare condition while acquired fusion being even rarer.

Case report: A rare case of a 32 year old female patient with acquired unilateral bony fusion between the zygomatic arch of maxilla and ramus of mandible is reported.

Discussion: Forty one cases of syngnathia has been reported in the international literature from 1936 to 2009, of which 39 cases are congenital and two were acquired, case 1 probably as a result of a fibrotic tubed pedicle and in case 2 from myositis ossificans. According to several case series, bony ankylosis of the mandible and maxilla has also been found to occur in 30%-43% of cases of NOMA.

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How to Cite
Sahu AV, Roy KP, Kashyap N. Unilateral Acquired Posterior Maxillary Mandibular Syngnathia. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2016Dec.18 [cited 2025Feb.18];24(3):161-5. Available from: https://bjohns.in/journal3/index.php/bjohns/article/view/100
Case report


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