Simultaneous Bilateral Type I Tympanoplasty as a Day Care Procedure
Main Article Content
Bilateral same day type I tympanoplasty scores over unilateral type I tympanoplasty in terms of convenience and conservation of resources but, it is rarely performed because of theoretical risk of postoperative sensorineural deafness.
Materials and Methods
A total of 60 patients with central perforation of tympanic membrane of both ears were included in this study. Thirty patients had undergone unilateral type I tympanoplasty and an equal number of patients were treated with bilateral type I tympanoplasty in the same sitting. The results were compared to evaluate the advantages and efficacy of single sitting bilateral type I tympanoplasty with unilateral type I tympanoplasty.
Perforation closure was successful in 94.6% and 93.3% ears while hearing improvement in 82.1% and 86.6% in group I (bilateral tympanoplasty) and group II (unilateral tympanoplasty) respectively. Mean hearing gain for successfully operated ears in group I (both left and right) and group II is 18.1 dB and 16.5 dB. None of the patients developed iatrogenic sensorineural hearing loss.
Bilateral perforations of the TM is a common finding and CSOM is found to be the most common cause in more than 90% of patients. The outcome of bilateral single stage tympanoplasty is sparse in the literature. Most of the reports pertain to unilateral operations with average success rates of about 60–100 %.
Single sitting bilateral type I tympanoplasty by transcanal routes is safe day care procedure with a high success rate.
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