Comparison of Various Graft Materials in the Reconstruction of Ossicular Chain in Patients with Chronic Otitis Media: A Prospective Hospital Based Study

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Niaz Fakhruddin
Chethan Kumar Gangaiah
Gopakumar KP
Geogin George Thottan
Mon Noufal



Ossicular chain reconstruction is the surgical procedure used to correct the hearing problems in patients with chronic otitis media (COM). In this era, where a large variety of innovative artificial prosthetic materials are being used to replace and reconstruct the ossicular chain, autografts still play a significant role.

Materials and Methods

The present study included 40 patients. Study population was selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. The ossicular reconstructive procedure was done under anesthesia and according to the status of the ossicular chain. Temporalis fascia was used to close the perforation. Mainly two procedures were performed: one is intact canal wall and the other is canal wall down. 


Most of the study population was middle aged and males were more compared to females. Thirty five patients had air bone gap above 30dB. In 38 patients, the incus had undergone necrosis. Most of the patients underwent short columella reconstruction. A closure of air bone gap with in 20 dB was achieved in 72.2% in patients with malleus stapes assembly. In short columella 22.2% of patients had closure of air bone gap within 20 dB. Incus remnant grafts gave better hearing gain.


The published literature on the result of use of sculptured ossicle and cartilage in tympanoplasty have been reviewed


In the present study, cases with COM showed good hearing results patients implanted with autogenous cartilage and bone.

Article Details

How to Cite
Fakhruddin N, Gangaiah CK, KP G, Thottan GG, Noufal M. Comparison of Various Graft Materials in the Reconstruction of Ossicular Chain in Patients with Chronic Otitis Media: A Prospective Hospital Based Study. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2017Dec.29 [cited 2025Mar.25];25(3):136-41. Available from:
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Author Biographies

Niaz Fakhruddin, Sree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences, Padanilam, Tamil Nadu


Assistant Professor 

Chethan Kumar Gangaiah, Sree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences, Padanilam, Tamil Nadu


Associate Professor 

Gopakumar KP, Sree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences, Padanilam, Tamil Nadu


Professor and HOD

Geogin George Thottan, Sree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences, Padanilam, Tamil Nadu



Mon Noufal, Sree Mookambika Institute of Medical Sciences, Padanilam, Tamil Nadu




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