Fractured Tracheostomy Tube - An Unusual Foreign Body in Tracheobronchial Tree
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Approximately 20% of patients with tracheostomy are discharged from hospital with the tracheostomy tube in situ. Proper long term care and management of such tracheostomy patients remains as a challenge to care givers. Fracture of metallic tracheostomy tube (TT) with aspiration of the fragment into tracheobronchial airway is a rare complication of tracheostomy.
Case Report
Here we are presenting a case of a 42-year-old male patient, presented to the emergency department with complaint of mild respiratory distress following aspiration of fractured metallic TT and a novel method in removing the dislodged fragment.
A detailed review of literature has been included to discuss different aspects of aspiration of fractured fragment of tracheostomy tube and best practice recommendations for proper tracheostomy care.
Educating the care-giver about care of the tracheostomized patient in general and care of the tracheostomy tube in particular, may help reduce accidental complications.
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