Evaluating Success of Surgery in Mucosal and Squamosal Chronic Otitis Media: A Retrospective Study

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Nilank Saroha
Nitin Tomar


This study attempted to document success of surgery postoperatively, be it type I tympanoplasty or type III tympanoplasty with or without modified radical mastoidectomy.

Materials and Methods

This retrospective study involved 90 patients of Chronic Otitis Media who underwent surgery in the Department of Otorhinolaryngology in a tertiary care centre in the state of Uttar Pradesh.  


At 3 week postoperatively, 83 patients (92.22%) had successful uptake of graft. Overall successful graft uptake was reduced to 87.78% (79 patients) after 3 months. Postoperatively, after 3 months, 90% of the patients (n=81) reported improvement in hearing. Preoperatively, 89.71 % patients of mucosal disease and 63.64% of squamosal disease had 21-40 dB hearing loss. Postoperatively, 88.24% patients with mucosal disease and 63.64% of squamosal disease had no conductive hearing loss. There was statistically significant gain in air conduction postoperatively. Average improvement in AB gap was also notably significant postoperatively in both subgroups.


Both type I and type III tympanoplasty give excellent response in term of graft uptake and postoperative hearing.

Abbreviations: COM-Chronic Otitis Media, AC-Air Conduction, AB-Air Bone, TP-Tympanoplasty, MRM-Modified Radical Mastoidectomy

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How to Cite
Saroha N, Tomar N. Evaluating Success of Surgery in Mucosal and Squamosal Chronic Otitis Media: A Retrospective Study. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2020Jul.27 [cited 2025Mar.9];26(2):99-104. Available from: https://bjohns.in/journal3/index.php/bjohns/article/view/167
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Author Biographies

Nilank Saroha, Muzaffarnagar Medical College

Assistant Professor, Department of ENT & HNS, Muzaffarnagar Medical College.

Nitin Tomar, Muzaffarnagar Medical College.

Assistant Professor, Department of ENT & HNS, Muzaffarnagar Medical College.


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