Novel Therapy for Pseudocyst of Pinna – An Institutional Study
Main Article Content
Pseudocyst of pinna is a cystic swelling with collection of serous fluid between the auricular cartilage and perichondrium. Successful treatment of pseudocyst of pinna is challenging because of its high propensity for recurrence and cosmetic deformity. None of the treatment modalities described in literature gives fully satisfactory result. So a novel treatment modality is required which gives good cosmetic outcome with zero recurrence.
Materials and Methods
A prospective study was done in the Department of ENT and Head and Neck Surgery of a Government Medical College, West Bengal from April 2014 to March 2017. The effusion was aspirated aseptically with sterilized 10 ml syringe with 18G IV needle. An equal amount of Inj. Dexamethasone and Inj. Gentamicin 80 mg in 1:1 ratio mixed in a new 10 ml syringe was injected into the swelling through the same prick point.
Most of the patients in this study were males between 31-40 years of age and labourer by profession. Maximum number of patients had swelling involving concha. Only one case of one month old infant had bilateral involvement. All patients were cured without any recurrence or disfigurement.
The results of present study points to the fact that aspiration and instillation of equal amount of Inj. Dexamethasone and Inj. Gentamicin works very good in treatment of pseudocyst of pinna. This therapy is minimally invasive, less painful, cost-effective and less cumbersome for the surgeon. It gives faster recovery, good cosmetic outcome and recurrence is prevented.
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