Human Bite on Nose
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Human bites are notorious due to chance of infection by direct inoculation of pathogens from saliva and must be managed properly. Human bite injuries cause dilemma to the treating doctor regarding its way of management. The options of management are primary closure, delayed closure with skin/tissue grafting and conservative.
Case Report
A 43 year old male patient with a human bite injury with tissue loss on the tip of nose was admitted in hemodynamically stable condition. He was given tetanus toxoid and anti-rabies vaccination as per current guidelines. Delayed wound closure was done in 2 steps with forehead flap, in 3 weeks interval. Patient was discharged after suture removal. There was good color matching and no complications.
Human bite injuries are mostly due to inter personal violence, alcohol intoxication and psychiatric illnesses. Multiple instances of such bite injuries have been reported. Delayed closure of bite injuries with forehead flap provides good colour and texture match as well as good flap survival due to rich vascularity.
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