Clinical Study to Determine Occult Vestibular Dysfunction in Patients of Chronic Otitis Media using Computerized Static Posturography

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D K Singh
Salil Kumar Gupta
Vijay Bhalla
Sheetal Raina
Abha Kumari



Various studies have shown high incidence of subjective vestibular dysfunction in cases of chronic otitis media (COM). Evaluation of vestibular dysfunction in chronic otitis media patients is becoming an integral part of comprehensive management of COM. In our study, we have evaluated vestibular dysfunction in patients with COM, using computerized static posturography, an objective technique in contrast to other subjective tests of vestibular dysfunction.

Materials and Methods

In this prospective case control study done over a period of 1.5 years, 50 cases of COM and 50 healthy controls were included and they underwent Computerized Static Posturography. Parameters taken were Somaesthetic, visual and vestibular scores in both antero-posterior (AP) and medio-lateral (ML) axis; and in combined axis (Antero-posterior +Medio-lateral) and these scores were compared with those of healthy controls.


Total 50 cases of COM (average disease period - 5.7 years), of both sexes, with age range of 15-60 years and mean age of 31.58 years were taken. On analyzing above mentioned parameters using SPSS software, we found no significant difference in vestibular function in cases of COM as compared with healthy individuals. 


The outcome of computerized static posturography can be quantified with respect to changes in center-of-force sway amplitude, distance, or velocity, which, by virtue of not being burdened by subjective interpretation, its results can be, documented both graphically and numerically.


This study, further solidified with objective evidence, raises a question on COM without complications being directly responsible for vestibular dysfunction.

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How to Cite
Singh DK, Gupta SK, Bhalla V, Raina S, Kumari A. Clinical Study to Determine Occult Vestibular Dysfunction in Patients of Chronic Otitis Media using Computerized Static Posturography. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2019Apr.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];27(1):36-43. Available from:
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Author Biographies

D K Singh, Command Hospital (Eastern Command), Kolkata

Department of ENT


Salil Kumar Gupta, Command Hospital (Eastern Command)

Department of ENT

Junior Consultant

Vijay Bhalla, Command Hospital (Eastern Command)

Department of ENT

Senior Consultant

Sheetal Raina, Command Hospital (Eastern Command)

Department of ENT


Abha Kumari, Command Hospital (Eastern Command)

Department of ENT



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