A Correlative Study between Chronic Tonsillitis and Helicobacter Pylori

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Abhishek Singh
Santosh Uttarkar Pandurangarao
Aravind Darga Ramchandra
Sridurga Janarthanan


Introduction :

Chronic tonsillitis is characterized by persistent inflammation of the palatine tonsils and seen commonly in patients attending ENT OPD. Bacterial infection is usually the cause but anaerobes and viruses may also be implicated. The possibility that tonsillar tissue possesses Helicobacter pylori or that H. pylori can colonize the palatine tonsils is explored.

Materials and Methods :

Hundred patients aged between 5-50 years of either sex diagnosed with chronic tonsillitis undergoing elective tonsillectomy and willing to participate in the study were selected. Informed and written consent was taken from all the patients (in case of minor patients, consent was taken from parents). Specimen (tonsillar tissue) was harvested from the surgically removed tonsils  and put through Rapid urease test. The results were analysed statistically using Chi square test and Unpaired t test and inference was drawn.

Results :

Amongst 100 patients, 61 (61%) patients were females and 39 (39%) patients were males. Helicobacter pylori could be detected in Chronic Tonsillitis in 64 (64%) patients.

Conclusion :

According to our study, Helicobacter pylori was found to be a common finding in cases of chronic tonsillitis. Even after regular treatment with antibiotics, the chances of getting acute  infection in chronic tonsillitis still persist. We can try treatment for H. pylori and look for changes in recurrence of tonsillitis and also it can be tried in patients who are not willing/fit to undergo tonsillectomy.

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How to Cite
Singh A, Pandurangarao SU, Ramchandra AD, Janarthanan S. A Correlative Study between Chronic Tonsillitis and Helicobacter Pylori. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2019Apr.30 [cited 2025Feb.22];27(1):60-4. Available from: https://bjohns.in/journal3/index.php/bjohns/article/view/227
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Author Biographies

Abhishek Singh, JJM Medical College, Davanagere Rajiv Gandhi University Of Health Sciences Karnataka

Post Graduate, Department of ENT, JJM Medical College, davangere, Karnataka

Santosh Uttarkar Pandurangarao, JJM Medical College, Davanagere

Professor, Department of ENT, JJM Medical College

Aravind Darga Ramchandra, JJM Medical College, Davanagere

Post Graduate, Department of ENT, JJM Medical College

Sridurga Janarthanan, JJM Medical College, Davanagere

Post Graduate, Department of ENT, JJM Medical College


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