Evaluation and Comparison of the Outcomes of Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy with and without Silicone Stent
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Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy aims to establish a patent nasolacrimal fistula. Use of silicone stent is a preferred modification to achieve long term patency of neo-ostium, though it has been blamed for granulations, synechia and punctal erosion. Present study was done to evaluate and compare the outcomes of Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy with and without stent.
Materials and Methods
40 patients of with chronic dacryocystitis and nasolacrimal duct blockage were selected for the study. Nasal endoscopy was done for suitability of surgical access and to detect any nasal pathology. Sac syringing was done to assess the site of blockage and Dacryoscintigraphy to confirm it. 20 patients in Group A underwent Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy without stent and remaining 20 in Group B with silicone stent. Success rates were determined by subjective relief from epiphora and by endoscopic visualization of rhinostomy opening, granulation tissues/ synechiae at rhinostomy site and by result of sac syringing.
In Group A, complete relief was obtained in 75% patients, significant relief in 10% and no relief in 15% patients thus recording overall success rate of 85%; whereas in Group B complete relief of symptom was obtained in 70% patients, significant relief in 10% and no symptom relief in 20% patients thus recording the overall success rate of 80%. Cases in Group B were also found to have persistent epiphora (17.5%), stenosis of ostium (25%), granulation (35%) and synechia (37.5%).
Stenting does not significantly improve the success of Endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy but is associated with more complications.
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