Cochlear Otosclerosis: An Undiagnosed Cause of Progressive Sensorineural Hearing Loss

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Asish Kumar Lahiri
Anandita Gupta
Rakesh Vohra
Shalabh Sharma
Satinder Singh



Otosclerosis presents as conductive or mixed hearing loss depending upon the stage of the disease. Isolated sensorineural hearing loss though known to occur has been rarely reported. Pure cochlear otosclerosis presenting as sensorineural hearing loss should be considered as a differential diagnosis in young patients presenting with progressive hearing loss. The aim of this article is to note the prevalence of cochlear otosclerosis in young patients presenting with progressive sensorineural hearing loss. 

Materials and Methods

Retrospective chart analysis of 19 patients who presented with progressive SNHL with unknown etiology was done.


Otosclerosis involving the pericochlear region was diagnosed in 27 ears which was identified by high resolution CT scan of temporal bone. In four ears, in addition, there was demineralization just anterior to oval window without clinical evidence of stapes fixation.


In young patients with progressive SNHL, high resolution CT scan of temporal bone should be done to identify progressive cochlear otosclerosis. Medical management should be initiated in these patients to halt the progression of disease.

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How to Cite
Lahiri AK, Gupta A, Vohra R, Sharma S, Singh S. Cochlear Otosclerosis: An Undiagnosed Cause of Progressive Sensorineural Hearing Loss. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2020Aug.31 [cited 2025Mar.29];28(2):127-3. Available from:
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