Outcome of Post-Operative Mastoid Cavity Obliteration with Autologous Adipose Tissue

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Rabi Hembrom
Satadal Mondal
Indranil Sen
Amit Chakrabarti
Rupam Sinha
Tapas Kumar Mahata
Aritra Bhattacharya
Swagato Roy



Mastoid operations have been in practice for over four centuries for suppurative conditions of the ear. Intact canal wall mastoidectomy has the advantage of better functional results while canal wall down mastoidectomy offers excellent exposure for disease eradication and post operative monitoring but is associated with significant cavity problems. In order to overcome the problems associated with canal wall down procedure while retaining its advantages the concept of mastoid cavity obliteration was introduced. This study analysed the outcomes of mastoid cavity obliteration and to assess the outcomes of mastoid cavity obliteration with autologous adipose tissue.

Materials and Methods

A prospective, experimental, randomized study was conducted over a period of 18 months among patients presenting with active squamous variety of Chronic Otitis Media. The patients were randomly allocated to two groups, A and B. Both groups underwent canal wall down Mastoidectomy followed by obliteration with autologous adipose tissue in Group B .


In group A, the mean duration required for complete epithelialization was 10.8 weeks. In group B, the average time taken for complete epithelialization was 5.6 weeks. All cases had their graft intact at the end of 12 weeks. Debris was present in group A for a mean duration of 9.47 weeks. In group B, debris was found for a mean duration of 3.33 weeks. Patients from group A complained of discharge from their ears for a mean duration of 7.47 weeks. In group B the same symptom persisted over 3.33 weeks.


Cavity problems encountered is considerably less in the group obliterated with adipose tissue.

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How to Cite
Hembrom R, Mondal S, Sen I, Chakrabarti A, Sinha R, Mahata TK, Bhattacharya A, Roy S. Outcome of Post-Operative Mastoid Cavity Obliteration with Autologous Adipose Tissue. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2020Aug.31 [cited 2025Mar.9];28(2):138-43. Available from: https://bjohns.in/journal3/index.php/bjohns/article/view/331
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Author Biographies

Rabi Hembrom, Midnapore Medical College Vidyasagar Road Midnapore

Associate Professor

Midnapore Medical College and Hospital

Department of Otorhinolaryngology

Satadal Mondal, IPGMER, Kolkata

Associate Professor


Department of Otorhinolaryngology

Indranil Sen, Midnapore Medical College Vidyasagar Road Midnapore

Professor and Head

Midnapore Medical College and Hospital

Department of Otorhinolaryngology

Amit Chakrabarti, Midnapore Medical College Vidyasagar Road Midnapore

R.M.O. cum clinical tutor

Midnapore Medical College and Hospital

Department of Otorhinolaryngology

Rupam Sinha, Khatra Sub Division Hospital Bankura

Senior Resident

Tapas Kumar Mahata, Midnapore Medical College Vidyasagar Road Midnapore

Junior Resident

Aritra Bhattacharya, Midnapore Medical College Vidyasagar Road Midnapore

Junior Resident

Swagato Roy, Midnapore Medical College Vidyasagar Road Midnapore

Junior Resident


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