Tympanoplasty for Wet and Dry Perforation: A Prospective Comparative Study

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Amit Bikram Maiti
Rupam Sinha



Two types of surgical procedures are performed for the treatment of Chronic otitis media (COM) mucosal disease, namely myringoplasty and tympanoplasty. In the present study, an objective, comparative evaluation between the outcomes of tympanoplasty, performed in the ‘wet ear’ and the ‘dry (non- discharging) ear’ has been undertaken.

Materials and Methods

A prospective study was conducted in a peripheral referral institute over a period of 37 months    wherein a total of 105 patients with tympanic membrane perforation were selected, amongst which 56 patients had moist ear and 49 patients had dry ear. All of the patients underwent tympanoplasty by underlay technique. Final results were analyzed 12 months post operatively.


In the wet ear group amongst 56 patients, 51 patients had successful graft uptake (91.07%). In dry          ear group, among 49 patients, successful graft uptake was seen in 44 cases (89.79%). In the wet ear group 50 out of 56 patients had hearing improvement (89.28%). In dry ear group 44 out of 49 patients had hearing improvement (89.79%). Statistically significant results were obtained postoperatively in each group; however, inter group analyses showed no statistical significance.

Success rate of tympanoplasty does not depend upon the wet or dry state of middle ear at the time of surgery.

Article Details

How to Cite
Maiti AB, Sinha R. Tympanoplasty for Wet and Dry Perforation: A Prospective Comparative Study. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2021Feb.5 [cited 2025Mar.25];28(3):260-5. Available from: https://bjohns.in/journal3/index.php/bjohns/article/view/290
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Author Biographies

Amit Bikram Maiti, Purulia Medical College and Hospital

Assistant Professor

Department of ENT

Rupam Sinha, Khatra sub division hospital

Senior resident

Department of ENT


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