Epidemiological Profile of Foreign Body in Upper Aero-digestive Tract in a Peripheral Tertiary-Care Hospital
Main Article Content
Foreign body in upper aero-digestive tract leads to many complications including life-threatening ones to the patients. Its management depends upon type of foreign body and site of lodgement.
Materials and Methods
A descriptive study was conducted from March 2013 to February 2017 to determine the different components of the epidemiological profile of the cases of Foreign body in upper Aero-digestive Tract (UADT) and its management principle. Total 192 patients were selected for this study. These patients underwent different procedures for foreign body removal and post-operative notes were taken for data analysis to note the epidemiological pattern.
A total of 192 patients were included in the study. Epidemiological data were derived and analyzed comprehensively to present the different profiles.
Fish bone was found to be the commonest foreign body in upper aero-digestive tract, followed by coin and meat bone. Foreign bodies are commonly removed by Tilley's forceps followed by Hypopharyngoscopy.
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