Surgical approach to Parapharyngeal Tumours - Our Experience

Main Article Content

Devjani Ghosh Shrestha
Kinjal Shankar Majumdar
Nirmalya Samanta
Utpal Jana


The complex anatomy of the parapharyngeal space, the surrounding vital structures and late presentation of the tumours affecting this space pose difficult surgical challenge to every otolaryngologist. The study gives an overview of the experience in managing parapharyngeal tumours in a tertiary care setting.

Materials And Methods
Fifteen patients with parapharyngeal tumours were treated surgically in a medical college hospital in Kolkata in the three year study period. Surgical approaches were chosen, considering the size, site, extent and histology of the tumours.

Most of the patients (33.33%) were from 20-30 years age group. 60% were females. The most common presenting feature was neck swelling. 80% of the cases were benign.The most common histologic variant was Schwannoma. The tumours were accessed through Trans-cervical, Trans-cervical Trans-parotid or Trans-cervical with Midline Mandibulotomy approaches. The most common post-operative complication was wound dehiscence.

The most common presentation of a parapharyngeal mass was neck swelling mainly behind the angle of mandible (86.67%). Younger patients in their third decade of life were found to be affected more. Gadolinium enhanced MRI was found to be the most important investigation in parapharyngeal tumours. Complications were minimal.

A conservative trans-cervical approach was found to be feasible and effective in majority of the cases over radical ones, which may be required in malignancies and skull-base involvement.

Article Details

How to Cite
Ghosh Shrestha D, Majumdar KS, Samanta N, Jana U. Surgical approach to Parapharyngeal Tumours - Our Experience. BJOHNS [Internet]. 2015Aug.1 [cited 2025Mar.26];23(2):67-72. Available from:
Our experience
Author Biographies

Devjani Ghosh Shrestha, Senior Resident, 3rd Year NRS Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata

Dept of ENT

Rank- Senior Resident, 3rd year

Kinjal Shankar Majumdar, Junior Resident, 3rd Year NRS Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata

Dept of ENT, Junior Resident, 3rd Year


Nirmalya Samanta, RMO cum Clinical Tutor, NRS Medical College & Hospital

Dept of ENT

RMO cum Clinical Tutor

Utpal Jana, Professor, Sagar Dutta Medical College, Kamarhati

Dept of ENT



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