Loop drainage in Subcutaneous Head and Neck Abscesses: A Minimally Invasive Procedure
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INTRODUCTION: Incision and drainage (I&D) of abscess is the gold standard treatment. The purpose of this study was to compare Loop Drainage Technique (LDT) of subcutaneous Head and Neck abscess with I&D in terms of primary outcome like efficacy and change in abscess diameter and secondary outcome like pain, duration of procedure, duration of healing and patient satisfaction.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A prospective cohort study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital for one year. Patients were consecutively allocated to I&D and LDT. All patients underwent ultrasonic evaluation of abscess size pre-procedure and 7th day post-procedure. Both groups received antibiotics at discharge and followed up at regular interval.
RESULTS: A total of 70 patients were selected (35 in each group). Mean(sd) change in abscess diameters between I&D and LDT was not significant (p=0.83). In terms of efficacy or healing both procedures were equivalent (p=0.72). The secondary outcome like Pain (VAS score), duration of procedure was significantly lower in LDT than I&D (p<0.0001). The patient satisfaction score measured by Likert scale was significantly better in LDT than I&D (p<0.0001). However duration of healing was same in both groups (p=0.49).
CONCLUSION: Loop drainage is equally efficacious to standard I&D in abscess resolution but the duration of procedure and pain experienced was less, with better compliance.
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