Cross Sectional Study on Thyroid Arteries with Clinical Correlations
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Introduction- Thyroid gland is a highly vascular endocrine gland. The aim of our study is to explore thyroid arteries to escape eventual iatrogenic complications.
Materials and Methods- Both sides of neck of total 60 adult embalmed cadavers were dissected in West Bengal (2020-2021).
Results- We found Superior Thyroid Arteries in 100% cases originating from External Carotid Artery in 77.5% cases, Carotid Bifurcation in 11.67% cases, Common Carotid Artery in 7.5% cases, as well as a common trunk with Lingual artery in 1.67% cases, Lingual and Facial arteries in 1.67% cases. Source of origin of Superior Thyroid Artery when compared with level of origin and between male and female cadavers, the result was found statistically significant (p< 0.05). Inferior Thyroid Artery was present in 90% cases and absent in 10% cases. Inferior Thyroid Artery originated from Thyrocervical Trunk in 92.5% cases, Common Carotid Artery in 1.67% cases, Subclavian Artery in 0.83% cases. Thyroidea Ima Artery was found in 3.33% cases arising from Arch of Aorta and Brachiocephalic Trunk.
Conclusion- Knowledge of thyroid arterial variations will help to prevent loss of patient life due to hemorrhage during surgery.
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