Comparative Study of Graft Placement Between Medial and Lateral to Malleus in Tympanoplasty
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Tympanoplasty is a surgical method, to eradicate middle ear infection and improve its function. In tympanoplasty graft can be by overlay or underlay technique. In underlay technique the graft material can be placed either medial or lateral to the handle of malleus.
Objective: To compare the outcome of the surgery when the temporalis fascia graft is placed medial or lateral to the handle of malleus, in terms of complete take up of the graft and hearing improvement after the surgery.
Materials & methods
A prospective and comparative hospital-based study was done in the Otorhinolaryngology (ENT) department of a tertiary referral hospital of Kolkata, from 1st January, 2021 to 30th June, 2022 (18 months). 60 patients were included in the study.
We found that association of tympanic membrane status with group was not statistically significant after 1 month of surgery (p=1.0000) and after 3 months of surgery (p=0.6711). Distribution of mean postoperative hearing gain after 3 months of surgery with group was not statistically significant (p=0.3020).
We found both the techniques are equally effective in terms of complete graft take up and post operative hearing gain after 3 months follow up.
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