Giant Ectopic Minor Salivary Gland Tumour in Parapharyngeal Space

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Nitish Baisakhiya
Shilpi Parihar
Ankit Mishra
Sweety Sen


Introduction: Para pharyngeal tumours are rare head neck masses (0.5%). Most of them are benign. Deep location of this space and surrounding structures has led to emergence of many different approaches to this space reflecting the intrinsic difficulty in surgical access.

Case Report: An ectopic Minor salivary pleomorphic adenoma of para pharyngeal space with massive extension.

Discussion: Para pharyngeal space has complex anatomy, its deep location and relationship with vital structures renders a surgical challenge. Clinical examination of the space is difficult, so imaging plays a major role to know its origin and extension. Pleomorphic adenoma is the most common tumour from the extension of deep lobe of Parotid gland but very rarely from the ectopic minor salivary glands. Excision of benign parapharyngeal space tumours is possible without mandibulotomy even in the case of a large tumour mass reducing patient morbidity and hospital stay.

Article Details

How to Cite
Giant Ectopic Minor Salivary Gland Tumour in Parapharyngeal Space. (2023). Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 31(2), 107-110.
Case report
Author Biographies

Nitish Baisakhiya, LN Medical college and JK Hospital, Bhopal

Professor and HOD

Department of ENT and Head Neck Surgery

Shilpi Parihar, LN medical college and JK hospital, Bhopal

Senior Resident

Ankit Mishra, LN medical college and JK hospital, Bhopal

Assistant Professor

Sweety Sen, LN medical college and JK hospital, Bhopal

Junior Resident

How to Cite

Giant Ectopic Minor Salivary Gland Tumour in Parapharyngeal Space. (2023). Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 31(2), 107-110.

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