Fat Graft Myringoplasty versus Chemical Cauterization in Small Tympanic Membrane Perforation:A Comparative Study
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Introduction :
Tympanic membrane perforation is mostly due to infection, trauma or post tympanostomy tube insertion. A variety of autografts have been used for closure of tympanic membrane perforation such as perichondrium. temporalis fascia, cartilage fat, platelet rich plasma, and chemical cauterization.
Material and Method : A Prospective, Comparative and Randomized study . Eighty Patients visiting E.N.T Outpatient department at tertiary care center were selected fulfilling the inclusion criteria and exclusion criteria.
Results :
Out of 43 patients in fat graft myringoplasty, the surgery was successful in 39 (90.70%) patients. However, the success rate in chemical cauterization was found to be 88% (in 37 out of 42 patients). Overall success rate is 89.40% (in 76 out of 85).
Conclusion :
Fat graft myringoplasty and chemical cauterization are strongly recommended for closure of small tympanic membrane perforations; however multiple sittings are required for chemical cauterization
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Kim HC, Park KS, Yang HC, Jang CH. Surgical results and factors affecting outcome in patients with fat-graft myringoplasty. Ear Nose Throat J. Published online December 9, 2021:01455613211063243. doi:10.1177/01455613211063243
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