Comparison between ELISA and PCR for Detection of Epstein - Barr virus in children with acute cervical lymphadenitis

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Nazim Khan
Neeraj Narayan Mathur
Sunil Kumar Singh Bhadouriya
Balvinder Singh Arora
Nidhi Chaudhary
Dhriti Khullar


Introduction: Among viruses, Epstein Barr Virus is an important cause of acute cervical lymphadenitis. The clinical features of acute Epstein-Barr virus infection overlap those of a variety of other infectious and non-infectious diseases so reliable laboratory tests are important to not only confirm but aid in the differential diagnosis. The aim of the present study was to investigate and compare the diagnostic utility of EBV DNA detection as an adjunct to serological diagnosis of primary EBV infection.

Materials & Methods: In this hospital based cross sectional study 30 patients below 18 years of age with acute cervical lymphadenitis were included. Comparison between ELISA and PCR for Detection of Epstein - Barr virus in children with acute cervical lymphadenitis was done. EBV IgM and IgG-ELISA was done for the qualitative determination of IgM and IgG class antibodies against Epstein-Barr virus viral capsid antigen (VCA) in serum samples and Real-time PCR (by using RTP Pathogen Kit) was done for qualitative determination of EBV DNA.

Results: EBV RT-PCR was negative in serum samples of all 30 patients. EB virus could not be detected by RT-PCR in all seropositive cases. There was no significant difference found between genders in the results of EB Virus serology, and that of EBV RT PCR (p value was >.05).

Conclusion: The use of RT- PCR for EBV DNA detection resulted in an increase in reliability of diagnosis of primary EBV infection, enhancing overall diagnostic efficacy. Our study proves that serological antibody could be positive for EBV in many patients either because of cross reactivity with other viruses or past infection with EBV.

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How to Cite
Comparison between ELISA and PCR for Detection of Epstein - Barr virus in children with acute cervical lymphadenitis. (2024). Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 32(1), 22-28.
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Author Biographies

Nazim Khan, RAMA Medical College, Hapur

Assistant Professor, Department of ENT

Neeraj Narayan Mathur, Amrita School of Medicine, Faridabad, Haryana, India

Professor & HOD, Department of ENT

Sunil Kumar Singh Bhadouriya, RAMA Medical College Hapur

Professor & HOD , Department of ENT 

Balvinder Singh Arora, VMMC & Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi

Professor, Department of Microbiology

Nidhi Chaudhary , RAMA Medical College Hapur

Resident, Department of ENT

Dhriti Khullar, RAMA Medical College Hapur

Resident, Department of ENT

How to Cite

Comparison between ELISA and PCR for Detection of Epstein - Barr virus in children with acute cervical lymphadenitis. (2024). Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 32(1), 22-28.


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