Evaluating Functional Outcome of Oblique Cut  across Mentum  in Advanced Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Main Article Content

Shomes Mozumder
Shilpi Agrawal
Aniruddha Dam
Anup Kumar Bhowmick
Ishita Sinha



Segmental / hemi mandibulectomy is standard for advanced oral Squamous cell cancer. Sometimes the mentum needed to include to achieve an adequate resection. Loss of which often leads to a variety of complications. Evaluation of the functional outcome has been done in those cases which were unsuitable for free flap reconstruction so & an oblique cut was placed across mentum & pedicle flap was done instead.

Material and methods:

In this study from 26 December 2022 to 25 March 2023, the effect of oblique cut across mentum in 10 patients of oral  SCC were analysed for functional outcome over next 3 months.


Successful decanulation from tracheostomy tube were achieved in all patients by 6weeks. By 12 weeks Nasogastric tube removal and commencement of oral feeding were achieved in all. Complete oral competency were achieved in all by 12 weeks.


Mandibular reconstruction is necessary to restore postoperative function. Free flaps remain the first choice. But sometimes the patients’ age, overall health & co- morbidities are not in favour; hence pedicle flaps are needed. Preserving the mentum with clear margin then requires very stringent case selection. This novel approach, in selected cases may solve a lot of functional issues.

Article Details

How to Cite
Evaluating Functional Outcome of Oblique Cut  across Mentum  in Advanced Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. (2024). Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 32(1), 53-56. https://doi.org/10.47210/bjohns.2024.v32i1.87
Case series
Author Biographies

Shomes Mozumder, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute. 37 S.P Mukherjee Road. Kolkata-700026

Specialist Grade- II.

Department of ENT & Head & Neck Oncology.

Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute.

37 S.P Mukherjee Road. Kolkata-700026

Shilpi Agrawal, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute.  37. S.P Mukherjee Road. KOLKATA- 700026

Senior Resident.

Department of ENT & Head & Neck Oncology.

Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute

37 S.P Mukherjee Road. Kolkata-700026

Aniruddha Dam, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute.  37. S.P Mukherjee Road. KOLKATA- 700026

H.O.D & Specialist Grade- I.

Department of ENT & Head & Neck Oncology.

Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute.

37 S.P Mukherjee Road. Kolkata-700026

Anup Kumar Bhowmick, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute.  37. S.P Mukherjee Road. KOLKATA- 700026

Specialist Grade- I.

Department of ENT & Head & Neck Oncology.

Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute.

37 S.P Mukherjee Road. Kolkata-700026

Ishita Sinha, Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute.  37. S.P Mukherjee Road. KOLKATA- 700026

Clinical associate in oral oncology

Department of ENT & Head & Neck Oncology.

Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute.

37 S.P Mukherjee Road. Kolkata-700026

How to Cite

Evaluating Functional Outcome of Oblique Cut  across Mentum  in Advanced Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma. (2024). Bengal Journal of Otolaryngology and Head Neck Surgery, 32(1), 53-56. https://doi.org/10.47210/bjohns.2024.v32i1.87


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